Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi menangkap mantan petinggi pajak, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, Senin (3/4). Penangkapan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap rangkaian kasus ketika Rafael bertugas sebagai penyidik pegawai negeri sipil (PPNS) pada 2005.
Sejak 2005 hingga 2011, Rafael diduga mengarahkan para wajib pajak yang bermasalah berkonsultasi ke perusahaan miliknya, PT Artha Mega. Melalui perusahaannya, Rafael juga diduga menerima uang suap sebagai imbalan untuk membantu para penghindar pajak menyelesaikan permasalahan pajak mereka.
The Corruption Eradication Commission arrested a former senior tax officer, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, on Monday. The arrest aimed to reveal a series of case, when Rafael served as an investigator for civil servants in 2005, and had the authority to examine and investigate suspicious tax finding of the taxpayers.
Since 2005 up to 2011, Rafael was allegedly leading the taxpayers with tax dispute to his tax consulting company, PT Artha Mega Ekadhana. Through his company, Rafael allegedly received graft money in return to help tax evaders to solve their tax disputes.
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