In the fifth installment of this 6-part series on mysteries from the Chinese-Canadian community, we look at several mining and timber camps hastily abandoned by Chinese labourers, who seemed to believe that something evil haunted their worksites. Next, we dig up an infamous murder committed in Victoria’s Chinatown, the oldest in the country, and an associated ghost story set in eerie Fan Tan Alley.
0:00:00 – Get Your ‘Squatch On
0:00:40 - Mysterious Death on the Bedwell River
0:07:54 - The Abandoned Logging Camp on Greenway Sound
0:09:32 - Construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway
0:11:02 - The Ghost of Chow Ah Yung
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Mysteries from Canada's Oldest Chinatown
true crimecanadian historybritish columbiamurder mysterymurder mysteriesunsolved mysteriesbedtime storieschinatownVancouver IslandVictoriavictoria bcVictoria British ColumbiaBritish Columbiaunsolved murdersghostsghost storieshauntingshauntedfan tan alleychina townparanormalsupernaturalghost storyghost sightingghost sightingspreternaturalcreepy storiesspooky storiesscary storieshistoricaldocumentarybeheadingbeheadedcreepy