Rice blast is the most important disease and if not addressed well in time, it may sometimes lead to complete failure of crop. In this video, we have advised the farmers to spray proper fungicide at least once in the core area of rice zone at booting stage and at booting stage during milky stage during milky stage i.e; twice with the interval of 12-15 day in the secondary areas. Nativo 75 WG (Tebuconazole 50% + trifloxystrobin 25%) of Bayer Pakistan @ 65 gram per acre is considered as the best fungicide for this disease. It has established its authority worldwide as the best broad spectrum fungicide for rice blast as quality produce. However, Fuji One 40 ECفیوجی ون (isoprothalin) Jaffer Agro Services @480 ml, Amistar Top 32.5 SC ایمی سٹار ٹاپ (azoxystrobin+difenoconazole) Syngenta Pakistan @ 200 ml, Evito 450 EC- Arysta LifeScience (fluoxastrobin) @100 ml or Nanok 25 SCننوک -Swat Agro Pakistan (azoxystrobin+flutriafol) @ 200 ml/acre and many others may also be used as alternate of Nativo.
Rice is one of the most important crops of Pakistan. Basmati rice of our region is renowned worldwide. It is also liked by most of the native community and vastly used in our beloved country Pakistan. We should use modern techniques and methods to increase the overall yield of the crop. Production technology of rice is evolving with the passage of time. We should follow the new norms to cope with the prevailing challenges of water shortage and climate change. Weather is directly proportional to the production of different crops.
White stem bore (Scirpophaga innotata) and yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas) are considered as the most important insects of the rice crop especially in the core area of rice zone. Their damage is not so pronounced in the secondary areas of rice production from central to south Punjab. However, use of insecticides for the management of stem borers has become an integral part of rice production technology.
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