Share and Subscribe. For all videos write: Jessie Johnson Flat Earth into Youtube. Super-Powerful FANTSY 5 lottery strategy SECRET : FACT - 98% probability of getting the winning numbers when played in this way. By SKEWING all past winning numbers you can have (in FACT) a 98% chance of having the winning numbers in the Calif Fantasy 5 draw lottery. There is in fact a way. SKEWING is a very simple math method indeed. Nothing complex or complicated about it. Use a spread sheet. If you don't know yet how : simply go to you tube and ask friends to show you. Put all past winning numbers of calif fantasy 5 into the spread sheet and add each set of 5 win numbers to get a sum. The 90's sums come in the most. Which produces about 85,000 combinations. Or, 85,000 to 1. Well below 575,757 to 1. Which is the win odds for fantasy 5. You must bring the odds to 1 down to manageable to win. There are 2 main parts to this strategy. This is the first part. Since there are 10 - 90's (90 - 99), then it becomes about 85,000 divided by 10 = 8,500/1 odds per each 90 (90 - 99). There are only a certain amount of win numbers that add up to the 90's out of the total 575,757 odds in the Ca. Fantasy 5.
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