00:00 The Root Pack
00:30 Ribby and Croaks
01:10 Goopy Le Grande
01:40 Hilda Berg
02:28 Cagney Carnation
02:54 Baroness Von Bon Bon
03:38 Djimmy The Great
04:46 Beppi The Clown
05:39 Wally Warbles
06:27 Grim Matchstick
06:53 Dr. Kahl's Robot
07:52 Rumor Honeybottoms
08:27 Werner Werman
09:04 Captain Brineybeard
09:32 Cala Maria
10:20 Sally Stageplay
11:11 Phantom Express
12:05 Tipsy Troop
12:20 Chips Bettigan
12:38 Mr. Wheezy
12:55 Pip and Dot
13:09 Hopus Pocus
13:23 Phear Lap
13:40 Pirouletta
13:55 Mangosteen
14:09 Mr. Chimes
15:15 King Dice
15:35 The Devil
16:15 Glumstone The Giant
16:50 Mortimer Freeze
17:22 The Howling Aces
18:05 Esther Winchester
18:38 Moonshine Mob
19:21 Chef Saltbaker
Cuphead - All Bosses With Extreme Rapid Fire Rate ( Lobber )
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