This is my largest stick bomb I have ever created!!! I counted the sticks twice, and the total is 18,169 sticks! My goal was to use over 20,000 but I didn't have enough sticks. I doubled most of the ortho weave this time around and tripled weaved the stick bomb field at the end. Also I filmed this back in November before I bought a new camera so all I had to film with was my iphone and my handy cam. Please like, comment, and share this video and as always Thanks For Watching!!!!
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P.S. Going to build a stick bomb with over 20,000 sticks Soon!
Stick Bomb 18,169 sticks
DominoesrubegoldbergKineticsstick bombstick bomb cobra weavestick bomb ortho weavestick bomb fieldstick bomb world recordstick bomb chaoschain reactionrubegoldberg machinestick bomb tricksdomino rallylargest stick bombthedominokingbombmusicstickhandy camsticksstick bomb 18169 sticksorthoiphonegoaltimeendtotal