Advent u Zagrebu je tradicijska predblagdanska manifestacija koja se tijekom Došašća i Božićnoga vremena održava na više mjesta u središtu Zagreba s bogatim kulturno-zabavnim programom. Počinje krajem studenoga i traje do kraja prosinca.
Advent u Zagrebu počinje paljenjem prve adventske svijeće na Trgu bana Jelačića, kod Manduševca. U ulicama oko Trga bana Josipa Jelačića održava se tradicijski Božićni sajam. Prigodne božićne poklone, licitare i medenjake, šarene ukrase, božićni nakit i suvenire, nude obrtnici, likovni umjetnici i proizvođači tradicijskih hrvatskih proizvoda.
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Advent season is back in all its glory: this winter, experience the most beautiful Christmas story!
This year Advent Zagreb returns shinier than ever! Think of Christmas decorations and beautiful wooden huts, enchanting music and performances, delicious gastronomic offer and smiling ruddy cheeks. The Advent Zagreb represents the Christmas spirit, born in our hearts. It is a leisurely walk with your loved ones, a feeling of warmth despite the cold air, the joy of giving and belief in a better tomorrow... And, so, this year's Advent program in Zagreb is designed to spread the Christmas spirit onto the city streets with millions of hearts through the sounds, sights, tastes and scents, so that each one of them can relive the feeling of pure joy.
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📷Nikon Z6 III (NIKKOR Z 24-200mm f/4-6.3 VR)
⚙️SmallRig "Run&Gun" Mini Rig for Nikon Z6 III ([ Ссылка ])
🎤Zoom M3 MicTrak & Nikon Z6 III
🖥️NLE Grass Valley EDIUS 11 Pro
#zagrebadvent #adventinzagreb #zagrebchristmas
🎄🎅Advent -Zagreb 2024
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