We are getting closer to the full 6WA 6WB retrofit, but now it’s time to clear the Mileage and the VIN from the used cluster.
Hi, I am Bogdan and I invite you to take a look at how you can erase, virginise the 6WA 6WB Instrument Cluster.
In the video you will be able to see:
* How to open a BMW 6WA Instrument Cluster
* How to remove the 160d0wt EEPROM
* How to erase Mileage with R270 Programmer
* How to erase stored VIN with R270 Programmer
#bestcarmods #bmwmods #bmwretrofit
Products used:
- R270 Programer: [ Ссылка ]
- Custom R270 Board for 160D0WT and more link1: [ Ссылка ]
- Custom R270 Board for 160D0WT and more link2: [ Ссылка ]
- Flux: [ Ссылка ]
- Solder: [ Ссылка ]
- Hot-air soldering station: [ Ссылка ]
Possible some more useful info:
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How to erase BMW 6WA 6WB Cluster
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