The Office's Ryan Howard, played by BJ Novak, is something of an enigma. Starting as the audience POV into the life of Dunder Mifflin Scranton, Ryan Howard had a drastic evolution followed by a devastating downfall. Even though he's billed as a lead member of The Office cast, he never seems to rise to the level of fan favorites, Jim, Dwight or Pam. But what exactly happened to Ryan Howard during his tenure at Dunder Mifflin?
#theoffice #dundermifflin #nerdstalgic
Written by Brian Long
Edited by Nick Murphy
The Unfortunate Problem With The Office's Ryan Howard
The OfficeThe Office Ryan HowardThe Office BJ NovakThe Office Dunder MifflinThe Office Michael ScottNerdstalgicThe Office SitcomThe Office Ryan and KellyThe Office Jim HalpertThe Office Dwight SchruteThe Office Ryan the TempThe Office RyanThe Office NBCDunder MifflinDunder Mifflin InfinityParks and RecreationModern FamilyBrooklyn Nine NineAbbot ElementarySitcomsThis Wasn't WorkingNew RockstarsCorridor CrewIGNCaptain Midnight