King Kamfa flowerhorn fish - Popular cichlids fish
As the moniker gives away, King Kamfas are the elites of the Kamfa bloodline. As a matter of fact, just about 2 to 10% of the high-quality batch of fry qualify as King Kamfas.
To qualify as the King Kamfa, the fish should have strong markings, excellent pearl coverage, and vivid colors, in addition to the 5 qualities mentioned above.
These fish are best known for their massive nuchal hump, also known as Kok, and their unique patterning. They also have longer tails and bodies than standard Kamfas.
A distinct feature of this strain includes a deep black double flower row along the lateral line and thick white pearling.
They usually have yellow or white sunken eyes, but modern-day King Kamfas have red eyes as well.
First produced in Thailand, King Kamfas are now extensively produced commercially in Vietnam as well. They are undoubtedly the most expensive flowerhorn strain.
King Kamfa flowerhorn fish - Popular cichlids fish
King Kamfa flowerhornflowerhorn fishflowerhornflowerhorn fishesflowerhorn cichlidflowerhorn cichlidsflowerhorn cichlid fishcichlid flowerhorncichlids flower hornscichlids flowerhorncichlid flowerhorn fishcichlid flowerhorn fishesflowerhornfishflowerhorn fish feedingflowerhorn fish eatingkamfa flowerhorn fish羅漢魚羅漢魚餵食罗汉鱼罗汉鱼喂食king kamfa flowerhorn fishPopular cichlids fishKamfa flowerhorn fishPopular cichlidsKing KamfaKamfa flowerhorn