Founded in 1998, Solid Solutions provides engineering software, hardware, training, and consultancy solutions to more than 15,000 customers across the UK and Ireland. With the world's most highly-certified SOLIDWORKS support team, we provide best-in-class technical support to established designers and engineers, as well as start-ups and entrepreneurs.
Are you a Startup or Entrepreneur? Get SOLIDWORKS for FREE: [ Ссылка ]
We also offer classroom training courses for SOLIDWORKS, CATIA, and other professional CAD software.
Find your local training centre for SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD, 3DEXPERIENCE, CATIA, and ENOVIA in-person and online courses: [ Ссылка ]
As part of the TriMech Group, Solid Solutions brings together talented people from across three global territories to provide industry-leading support dedicated to the advanced design, engineering, and manufacturing sectors throughout North America, the UK & Ireland, and the Nordics.
Visit our website to discover great deals on SOLIDWORKS and more: [ Ссылка ]
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