Assalamu alaykum dear brothers and sisters, welcome to our channel Bilradatillah: Secrets of the Qur'an and Zikr.
Today we're sharing a powerful secret that can help you get Allah's help with your money needs. It's a practice you'll do once a day for 7 consecutive days, aimed at soliciting divine grace in financial matters.
Discover the secret of attracting a precise and reasonable sum of money by practicing the zikr of 4444 times 'Ya Latif' per day, for one week.
Take a blank sheet of paper and write down the amount you wish to obtain, making sure to keep your request reasonable. Place this sheet underneath your prayer mat before you begin the zikr. This sheet will be used for the duration of the secret ritual. Be sure to keep it with you whenever you finish your zikr session.
To begin, we'll perform two rakats of prayer, reciting the Fatiha and a Surah of your choice during each rakat.
Once the prayer is completed and the final Salam is said, here's what you'll do over the next 7 days, following each two-rakat prayer
1) Before we begin, we say together, "A'udhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim." This means: "I seek refuge in Allah against Satan, the accursed." This is an essential protection."
2) Next, We will address a sincere request to Allah, in order to obtain His forgiveness for our errors, faults and sins. To do this, let's repeat L'istighfar 100 times: "Astaghfiroullah" is translated as "I ask Allah's forgiveness" or "I seek forgiveness from Allah."
3) After asking Allah for forgiveness, we will send our prayers and greetings on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by repeating this formula 100 times:
"Allahoumma Sali ala seydina mouhammadine wa salim" In English, this means: "O Allah, may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and grant him peace."
4) For "Ya Latif", you will recite it 4444 times, however, in the following manner:
a) Start by reciting "Ya Latif" 4 times, followed by reciting verse 19 of Sura 42 once.
b) Then recite "Ya Latif" 40 times, followed by reciting verse 19 of Sura 42 once.
c) Continue by reciting "Ya Latif" 100 times, followed by reciting verse 19 of Sura 42 once. Repeat this step a total of four times.
d) Finally, recite "Ya Latif" 1000 times, followed by the recitation of verse 19 of Sura 42 nineteen times. Repeat this step a total of four times.
Here is Verse 19 of Sura 42 (Ash-shuraa):
"Allâhou Latifoun bi-ibadihi Yarzouqou man yacha-ou wa houwal Qawiyoul Aziz"
Which translates into English as: Allah is gracious to His servants. He bestows His benefits on whomever He wishes, being Himself the Almighty, the Mighty.
This verse emphasizes Allah's attributes as the Benevolent Provider of His servants, while underlining His power and strength. It is an acknowledgement of Allah's divine grace and omnipotence.
Now that's the secret many have used to get Allah's help with money. Just remember to do it with faith and devotion. Results may vary, but trust and perseverance are essential.
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Feel free to share your experiences and results in the comments section. We look forward to hearing about the impact of this prayer on your life and to sharing your experiences with our community.
May Allah's peace and blessings be with you all. We thank you for participating in this spiritual quest, and look forward to seeing you in our future videos. We hope to see you soon!
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