Finally! Account wide essences next week! Well almost account wide as Blizz are calling this topic a new new source for azerite essences :) Why? Because you will be able to get rank 3 8.3 essences with a new currency called echoes of ny’alotha! This will drop from basically all content in patch 8.3 and as long as you have a rank 3 essence on a char, then you will be able to buy that essence from mother with the above mentioned currency. Ion Hazzikostas trolled the account wide essences twitter on this and we are all happy for 8.3 alts and 8.3 alt gearing :) More in the video so stick to MarcelianOnline the best place for wownews and cringy 8.3 essence currency jokes :)
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FINALLY! Account Wide Essences Next Week
Account wide essences8.3 essences8.3 account wide essencesechoes of ny’alothanew source of azerite essences8.3 essence currencyion hazzikostas account wide essencesaccount wide essences forumsmother rank 3 essencesrank 3 essence8.3 altsgearing an alt in 8.3wow updateNewswownewsmarcelianonlineblizzard entertainment