In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) faced a significant setback in Maharashtra, where they were expecting a strong performance. The BJP and its allies, including Shiv Sena (BJP faction) and NCP (Ajit Pawar faction), could not achieve their target of securing 45 or more seats. They managed only 17 seats in the state, which was far below expectations
One of the notable results was in the Amravati constituency, where BJP candidate Navneet Rana was defeated by Congress's Balwant Wankhede. Rana lost by a narrow margin of around 19,731 votes, with Wankhede securing 526,271 votes compared to Rana's 506,540
BJP Won Maharashtra|| Navneet Rana|| MVA Lost
BJP Maharashtra Election 2024Maharashtra Election ResultsLok Sabha Elections 2024Navneet Rana Amravati ResultCongress Wins MaharashtraBalwant Wankhede VictoryBJP Performance in MaharashtraMaharashtra MVA vs NDAShiv Sena BJP FactionMaharashtra Political NewsBJP Setback Maharashtra 2024Election Updates MaharashtraMaha Vikas Aghadi PerformanceMaharashtra Constituency ResultsAmravati Election NewsMaharashtra Politics 2024