With the winter season on the horizon, Chef Jerry Levine cooks a luscious beef stew, provided its importance with protein for health.
The show is hosted by chef Jerry Levine and recorded in part at PACTV’s kitchen studio. The show is interactive, as there is also a remote camera featuring seniors from the Plymouth Center for Active Living and Marcia Richards, Beth Israel Deaconess (BID) Hospital – Plymouth’s Dietitian. The show provides nutritious tips for seniors and features simple meals that are tasty and healthy. The show is a partnership with The Plymouth Center for Active Living, BID Hospital – Plymouth, PACTV and chef Jerry Levine.
Delicious & Nutritious is recorded at PACTV and Plymouth's Center for Active Living. PACTV provides Public, Education and Government access to the the town of Plymouth, MA. Delicious & Nutritious can also be seen on television on Comcast Channel 15 and Verizon Channel 47. For more information about PACTV and services offered to Plymouth, visit www.pactv.org/plymouth
Delicious & Nutritious-Episode 13: Beef Stew
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