Bajaj Discover 110 was recently launched to take on segment rivals like Hero Splendor and Honda Dream in India. The powerful 115cc, single cylinder engine on the motorcycle is good for 8.6 PS and 9.81 Nm of torque. It weighs just 117.5 kg and carries 10 liters of fuel carrying capacity. Buyers can have this model in Blue, Black and Red shade. It comes with daytime running lights, LED taillight and electric starter for rider's convenience.
Displacement 115.5 cc
No. of Cylinders 1
No. of Gears 4
Maximum Power 8.6 PS @ 7000 rpm
Maximum Torque 9.81 Nm @ 5000 rpm
Ground Clearance 179 mm
Kerb/Wet Weight 117.5 kg
Fuel Tank Capacity 10 litres
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