Kali Mba Minthul mau masak bayam Gaes, tapi dimasak tumis ya. Ternyata juga enak Gaes, apalagi ijo ijo kesukaan Mba Minthul
Ala Mba Minthul
Bahan :
1 ikat bayam, siangi
1 buah jagung, dipipil
5 buah bakso iris tipis
5 buah cabe keriting iris serong
5 bawang putih iris tipis
5 bawang merah iris tipis
1 buah tomat iris
2 lembar daun salam
2 ruas lengkuas
Garam, gula dan kaldu bubuk
Oke Gaes untuk lebih lengkapnya, tonton ya videonya Mba Minthul, selamat mencoba semoga bermanfaat ya
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#bayam #tumisbayam #tumisbayamjagung #mbaminthul
This time, Mba Minthul wants to cook spinach Guys, but it's cooked in a stir fry. It turns out to be delicious too, especially Mba Minthul's favorite green vegetables
Ala Mba Minthul
Ingredients :
1 bunch of spinach, cut it
1 corn, shelled
5 pieces of thinly sliced meatballs
5 pieces of curly chilies sliced oblique
5 thinly sliced garlic
5 thinly sliced shallots
1 sliced tomato
2 bay leaves
2 segments of galangal
Salt, sugar and powdered broth
Okay guys for more details, watch the video Mba Minthul, good luck, hope it's useful
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#spinach #tumisbayam #tumisbayamjagung #mbaminthul
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