Lie Augustinus Dharmawan, also known by his childhood name Lie Tek Bie, was born as the fourth of eight children on the 16th of April in 1946 in Padang during a time when riots of the Indonesian people against the Dutch were in progress.
In order to intensify his efforts and follow his vision, Lie established doctorSHARE in 2009. The vision of Lie and doctorSHARE is to save lives and alleviate the suffering of many people who are trapped in crisis.
Also, they should be empowered so they can obtain the ability to improve their own societies. Lie was and is the one who inspires young people in the organization, who are not only doctors, but also surgeons, nurses, and professionals such as journalists, administrators, photographers, graphic/web designers, information technology experts, entrepreneurs, social workers, and a number of individual donors.
Short Bio of doctorSHARE's Founder: dr. Lie Dharmawan: Click [ Ссылка ]
© doctorSHARE - 2017
dr. Lie Augustinus Dharmawan dengan nama kecil Lie Tek Bie lahir pada 16 April 1946 di Padang saat terjadinya kerusuhan antara Tentara Rakyat Indonesia dengan Belanda. Ia lahir sebagai anak keempat dari delapan bersaudara.
Untuk mempertajam visinya, pada tahun 2009 dr. Lie mendirikan doctorSHARE atau Yayasan Dokter Peduli. Visi doctorSHARE adalah menyelamatkan nyawa dan meringankan penderitaan orang yang terjebak dalam krisis sehingga mereka bisa memulihkan kemampuan untuk membangun kembali kehidupan bermasyarakat.
Dalam organisasi inilah dr. Lie menularkan inspirasinya bagi anak-anak muda yang tidak terbatas hanya pada kalangan dokter namun juga aneka profesi lainnya.
Profil Singkat Pendiri doctorSHARE: dr. Lie Dharmawan: Klik [ Ссылка ]
© doctorSHARE - 2017
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