Lok Sabha elections 2019 : Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Wednesday (11/07/2018) said if BJP wins again in the Lok Sabha elections 2019 then the democratic constitution will not survive as the saffron party will have all elements to tear apart the constitution of India. “If they (BJP) win again in the Lok sabha elections our democratic constitution as we understand it will not survive as they will have all the elements they need to tear apart the constitution of India and write a new one,” said Shashi Tharoor.“That new one will be the one which will enshrine principles of Hindu Rashtra, that'll remove equality for minorities, that'll create a Hindu Pakistan and that is not what Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Sardar Patel, Maulana Azad and great heroes of freedom struggle fought for,” Tharoor cautioned.Responding to veteran Congress leader’s comment, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said, “Shashi Tharoor’s comment is not only insult for the Hindustan but also for the Hindus”. It is pertinent to mention here that Lok Sabha elections 2019 is due to take place in the months of April-May next year and Congress party is gearing itself to give a tough fight to the ruling BJP.
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