The Illusion:
There is only winning and losing!
The Truth:
Life is not about winning or losing but learning! Losing is not equal to failure; it is simply one component of the learning equation. Whether you focus on winning or losing, giving either too much gravity creates a form of weakness. One must be equally prepared to experience both by preparing to learn from their experiences either way.
What you will find is that the more you learn from losing the less you will lose.
When you gain a daedal perspicacity of the learning equation, you will then understand that failure does not truly exist while you are still living, because failure is a notion of finality. Therefore, failure cannot exist because the story continues. ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.
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#winningandlosing #thestorycontinues #learningfromyourlosses #rapidchangebreakthrough #drrickwallace #theillusion #thetruth
The Illusion of Failure! | Dr Rick Wallace
Dr. Rick WallaceThe Visionetics InstituteLife changeRick Wallace ph.d. psy.dFailureIllusionTheofdr rick wallace youtubeThe Illusion of Failure! | Dr. Rick WallaceFailure does not exist the story continuesyour goal should be to learn from your experienceswin or lose you should learn from the experienceillusion videodr. rick wallaceThe goal is not winning or losing it is learningrefusing to learn is the greatest setback