This film portrays the beautiful life of a nomadic family led by Captain Ismaeil, living in a simple tent in a remote village. The family is facing financial difficulties and is unable to build their own home due to the government's refusal to grant them a loan, as Captain Ismaeil opposed the oppressive Iranian government's order to demolish the nomads' homes. However, their human and environmental values, such as love and protection of animals and nature, reflect their true humanity.
You witness beautiful scenes of baking traditional nomadic bread, simple and intimate life in the tent, and their traditional foods, capturing the audience's attention. The tensions and conflicts that arise due to the negative actions of the villainous brother, Mehdi, highlight the importance of preserving human and social values against destruction and neglect. Mehdi, the deceitful and cunning brother, adds to the turmoil within the family.
This film delivers a profound and inspirational message about human values, environmental conservation, and human relationships, teaching viewers the values of simple and spiritual life. By watching this film, you delve into a world of love, nature conservation, and deeper human connections, inspiring you to seek deeper meaning in life and human values.
I hope this summary captures the essence of the film for you.
#captainismail #nomadicfamily #simplelife #humanvalues #environmentalprotection #baking #dramaticscenes #lovingfamily #deceit #humanconnections #2025 #nomadiclife
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