Not only is the most biggest creepy crawly in Ark it's also the hardest one to type. What the hell is this, arthro... pleura. I just got hand cramps. Stupid thing.
NAH, but it's cool! It might kill you if you run into it but it can kinda help you if you tame it. Honestly this thing is specialized for killing idiots that wander into the swamp without being prepared. Not too much else. And you won't be able to poke it to death because it has 3k health. Vundaba! Anyway here are all of your commands if you want to try it yourself:
Summon: admincheat spawndino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Arthropleura/Arthro_Character_BP.Arthro_Character_BP'" 1 1 1 120
Tame: "Forcetame" Instantly tame animal in your crosshairs
Invinsible mount: "Infinitestats" Use this when riding on your mount.
Invinsible player: "God"
Max Xp: "addexperience 100000 0 0" Use this when on your mount.
Mod: [ Ссылка ]
Thanks for watching, PEACE!
Ark Max Speed! | Arthropleura
ArthropleuraarkSuvivalEvolvedMaxSpeedCentipedeMillipedeMeleeDamageStrongestFastestTheFriendlyBagelSwamptitanboaTitanoboaCrocodilesarcoSabertoothSalmon240240.1LystrosaurusUpdatefunnyModcommandAlphaWolfRexSpinoGiganotasaurusGigaMythbustersIsItOPSl1pg8rServerMultiplayerSeasonSeriesMantaRayMantarayManta-RayGallimimusLevel1 Million1000000dodo