Table of Contents (Click to Skip)
03:09 - Service History
04:38 - In Game Play Style
09:20 - Ship Stats
11:59 - Ship Upgrades
17:55 - Battle Start
Ahh yes, the Light Cruiser gone Heavy Cruiser gone Aircraft Cruiser! Mogami is... an interesting duck in World of Warships. She has the armor profile of a light cruiser and the armament choice of a heavy cruiser. Really though, she is strongest as a light cruiser but overall she's not the strongest T8 cruiser. She has a massive citadel that is easily penetrated by battleships and her gun and torpedo arcs are poor enough that utilizing them all opens you up to lots of citadel hits.
Overall, the ship is ok and plays mostly like an Atlanta or other US cruisers. Finding an island and camping around it is key to surviving the battle. Being caught out in the open is a surefire way to end up back in port!
How To Play IJN Cruiser Mogami In World Of Warships
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