‘Kool Ka Lang’ is a sitcom series that revolves around the neighborhood shenanigans of its main characters Jack and Empoy in Barangay Dagat-dagatan. It stars Raymart Santiago as Jack Mangalikot, Bonel Balingit as Empoy Mangalikot, and Joey Marquez as Magdaleno Magdangal. Also in the cast are LJ Moreno, Gloria Diaz, Blakdyak, Maureen Larrazabal, Robert "Long" Mejia, Rufa Mae Quinto, Dagul, Jomari Yllana, Benjie Paras, Alessandra de Rossi, Maui Taylor, Dennis Padilla, Isko Salvador, and Mark Wilson.
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Kool Ka Lang: Full Episode 1
GMA NetworkYouLOLYouLOL GMAGMA Network comedyGMA 7GMA ComedyYouLOL channelYouLOL comedyYouLOL showsKool Ka LangKool Ka Lang GMAKool Ka Lang Full EpisodeKool Ka Lang GMA Full EpisodeKool Ka Lang EpisodeBlakdyakDagulBenjie ParasDennis PadillaRaymart SantiagoJoey Marquezkool ka lang episode gma 7kool ka lang full episodeskool ka lang gmaBonel BalingitKool Ka Lang Full Episode 1Kool Ka Lang pilot episodeKool Ka Lang Episode 1