Ganesh Nakhawa who hails from a fishing community in Karanja, Uran, Navi Mumbai started his journey in fishing at the age of 11. He left his job as a financial analyst in Scotland and returned to India in 2011 to take over his father's boats. He took to fishing not just as a livelihood but to educate fisherfolks and the general public on sustainable fishing. His vision is to bring the fishing community together and bring back the loss of traditional livelihood for fisherwomen in the city.
Fisherwomen in Mumbai are facing challenges for survival due to many reasons - development along the coast, lack of fisherwomen friendly policies etc. Nakhawa has been working alongside authorities to bring a new fishing harbour in Uran, Navi Mumbai to aid the livelihood of the local fisherwomen. Lack of basic facilities at fishmarkets and a distinct supply chain are some of the areas that he's been working towards addressing. He stresses that the new blue revolution fails to reach individuals and other stakeholders and is working towards creating a farming-like cooperative model for the fishing industry.
Ganesh, who is the Chairman of Purse Seine Fishing Welfare Association and also the Director of Karanja Fisheries Society is on a mission to change consumer habits to aid an ocean-friendly lifestyle.
Ganesh Nakhawa who hails from a fishing community in Karanja, Uran, Navi Mumbai started his journey in fishing at the age of 11. He left his job as a financial analyst in Scotland and returned to India in 2011 to take over his father's boats. He took to fishing not just as a livelihood but to educate fisherfolks and the general public on sustainable fishing. His vision is to bring the fishing community together and bring back the loss of traditional livelihood for fisherwomen in the city.
Fisherwomen in Mumbai are facing challenges for survival due to many reasons - development along the coast, lack of fisherwomen friendly policies etc. Nakhawa has been working alongside authorities to bring a new fishing harbour in Uran, Navi Mumbai to aid the livelihood of the local fisherwomen. Lack of basic facilities at fishmarkets and a distinct supply chain are some of the areas that he's been working towards addressing. He stresses that the new blue revolution fails to reach individuals and other stakeholders and is working towards creating a farming-like cooperative model for the fishing industry.
Ganesh, who is the Chairman of Purse Seine Fishing Welfare Association and also the Director of Karanja Fisheries Society is on a mission to change consumer habits to aid an ocean-friendly lifestyle. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at [ Ссылка ]
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