Robin of Sherwood is a British television series, based on the legend of Robin Hood. Created by Richard Carpenter, it was produced by HTV in association with Goldcrest, and ran from 28 April 1984 to 28 June 1986 on the ITV network.
Michael Praed is extremly handsome as Robin Hood and Judi Trott as Lady Marian also is very attractive and charming. Not to mention the rest of the merry men, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, Saracen Nasir, Little John, Much, the and the godlike Herne the Hunter. Robin’s adversaries, the Sheriff of Nottingham and Guy of Gisbourne as well as the Sheriff’s brother Abbot Hugo also are casted professionally.
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Copyright owners WMG, SME On behalf of: Sony Music
Robin of Sherwood 1984 Then and Now (Robin Hood)
Robin of SherwoodRupawahiniRobin of LoxleyPeter Llewellyn WilliamsRay WinstoneLittle JohnLady MarionRichard CarpenterNickolas GraceRobert AddieJason ConneryMark RyanThe Hooded ManEsta CharkhamPatrick DromgooleGoldcrest Films1984ෂර්වුඩ්හි රොබින්රොබින් හුඩ්රූපවාහිණිTitus Totawattamichael praedrobin of sherwood full episodesrobin of sherwood series 1 episode 1robin hoodrobin of sherwoodrussian tvfamous five theme song