Yogi Adityanath's new cabinet took oath today amid thousands who thronged the grand oath-taking ceremony in Lucknow. In presence of PM Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and other dignitaries, 2 deputy chief ministers and 50 cabinet ministers were sworn in. Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak took oath as Yogi's deputies. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also took a historic second oath after BJP won the assembly polls. The BJP has created a record by giving Uttar Pradesh the same CM for the second time in 37 years. Watch this video to know more.
#YogiAdityanath #UttarPradesh #YogiCabinet2.0 #KeshavPrasadMaurya #BrajeshPathak #PMNarendraModi
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