Asteya- Non-stealing is a literal translation but does not explain the concept satisfactorily.
Chauryam is to commit a theft. Non-stealing would be Achauryam.
Asteya as an ethico-religious principle would mean not to have ‘Spruha’ or hankering or thirst for somebody else’s possession.
Steya is to steal. Therefore, absence of Steyatvam can be Asteya.
Human being has a tendency of allurement for someone else’s possessions. There is a tendency, hence there is a need for tendency management.
Same is true for all other tendencies of Asatya, Himsa, etc.
Often, we speak untruth to protect others we love. It is often spontaneous or even a reflex action. There may be no craftiness even. These are Vaasanas hence the tendencies.
Asatya is the most deeply rooted tendency.
Receiving somebody else’s property even as a gift, becomes Steya if there is greed for it, if there is Spruha. Then, there needs to be a restraint for it.
Asteya Vrtti is different from Asteya Vratam.
Vritti can be there because of modesty etc. But Patanjali refers to Asteya as a Vratam.
Vachaspati Mishra: Steya must be at the level of Kaayaa, Vaachaa and Manasaa. Mental activity is the tendency aspect which is being referred to. Sometimes, the thirst bubbles up and weak moments of consciousness come up. That is Citta Khalanam.
Therefore, there must be thirst-lessness of a very high order. The thought may then be followed by speech.
Saura Puraanam - 12.7:Steyam can be committed by grabbing; this will happen to those on a very low rung of morality and ethicality. Then this Vasana becomes irresistible and the act of theft takes place.
Garuda Puraana: “Asteya is the tendency to collect things. Hence one must develop Asangraha.”
Ahirbudhanya Samahita, Kurma Puraana quoted.
Darshanopanishad -Ch.1 : “Turn the mind away from coveting anyone else’s wealth and valuables”.
The spiritual touch is brought in by bringing in the concept of Atman; that there is no hankering for spiritual wealth but only material wealth. Hence Atman-Anatman Avivekam is the cause of Steya.
Aspruha can come only with spiritual wisdom. Cannot come by just hard discipline. Discipline will bring morality but not Dharma.
Finding unclaimed wealth may not be considered a theft; but if there is greed, only then t will be picked up. Hence it becomes Steya.
Ishavasya Upanishad: “If one does not know the owner, then the ultimate owner is Isha. Hence, it is committing a theft from Isha.”
Skandha Purana: Nagarakhanda- the civil science. Ch 163.36. “ If you find wealth underground, it belongs to the state. Hand it over to the government.”
For Asteya, one needs a philosophical Citta. One needs to adhere to the Sangatraya; observe the principles of Yagnya, Daana and Tapas.
Follow the quartet of Satvik Aahaara-Vihaar, Aachaar-Vichaara.
Citta must be in Shanta Dharma. Hence, Shama, Dama, Tittiksha, Jnaana, Viragya, Shaanti, Samaadhaana.
On certain auspicious days, one gets the Antara-sphurti and Dalvi Vatavaran and so, on such days the Vratam can be observed.
Sublimation springs forth on such days. But Vratam should not be violated. And on auspicious days, there is lesser possibility of VrataKhalanam.
Shrimad Bhagwatam: “Do not collect the means more than your essential needs. If you do so, it is Steyatvam.”
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