(27 Jan 2014) Russian foreign ministry spokesman Konstantin Dolgov said on Monday that Russia is concerned over the rise of nationalist and anti-semitic sentiment in the Ukraine.
Dolgov said that disorder and violence was not the right way to defend human rights in Ukraine.
"If this is the method of defending human rights, then this method should be duly assessed by the international community, by international human rights organisations. This method is totally unacceptable," Dolgov said during a news briefing in Moscow.
Protests against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych have engulfed the country, and are now beginning to spread to central and eastern Ukraine, the leader's support base.
The protests began in Kiev after Yanukovych shelved a long-awaited trade pact with the EU in favour of securing a bailout loan from Russia, and boiled over into violence a week ago over new anti-protest laws.
Russian President Vladimir Putin had pressed hard to keep Ukraine in his nation's political and economic orbit while many urban Ukrainians had favoured closer ties with the EU.
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