The Kecak dance, also known as the Ramayana monkey chant, is a captivating traditional Balinese dance and music drama that originated in the 1930s. This unique performance is based on the Hindu epic Ramayana and is characterized by a chorus of around 50-60 men sitting in a circle, chanting "chak" while moving their hands and arms.
The dance tells the story of Prince Rama's 14-year exile to the jungle of Dandaka with his wife Shinta and brother Lakshmana. The performance features various characters, including Rama, Shinta, Lakshmana, Rahwana (Ravana), Hanoman (Hanuman), and Sugriwa (Sugriva), each dressed in vibrant and colorful costumes.
One of the most distinctive aspects of the Kecak dance is its use of human vocals instead of musical instruments. The chanters create a mesmerizing atmosphere, accompanied by the sound of the sea and the setting sun.
To experience the Kecak dance, you can visit Uluwatu Temple in Bali, which offers daily performances. Other locations, such as Tanah Lot and the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park, also host regular shows.
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