#STORY 13 : God's Covenant with Israel - Bible Stories
#God's Covenant with Israel
Another difference is between those who believe the New Covenant has already substantially arrived (#Preterists), and that this knowledge of God that the member of the New Covenant has is primarily #salvific knowledge; and those that believe that the New Covenant has not yet substantially arrived, but will in the Second Coming, and that this knowledge is more complete knowledge, meaning a member of the New Covenant no longer has to be taught anything at all regarding the Christian life (not just that they lack need for exhortation regarding #salvific reconciliation with God).
This division does not just break down along Jewish v. Christian lines (as the previous difference did). In general, those that are more likely to lean toward the "already view", or #salvific knowledge view, are those Christians that do not believe in the indivisible Church (the indivisible Church is a belief of Catholics and Orthodox) and Christians that practice believer's baptism, because both believe the New Covenant is more present reality than future reality. Also in general, those that lean toward the "not yet view", or complete knowledge view, practice infant baptism for #covenantal reasons, and #dispensationalistic Christians (even though they tend to practice believer's baptism), because they believe the New Covenant is more future reality than present reality.
STORY 13 : God's Covenant with Israel - Bible Stories
ChristianityNew Testament textsChristian viewMembershipKnowledge of GodChristian supersessionismJudaismCovenant with IsraelGodCovenantIsraelBible StorieBiblestoryBiblical phrasesBook of JeremiahChristian eschatologyChristian terminologyChristologyHebrew BibleDoctrines and teachings of JesusJudaism in the New TestamentChristianity and JudaismMosaic law in Christian theologyBiblical lawNew Testament theologySupersessionismSTORY 13