Gallium Nitride semiconductors allow designers to operate at higher frequencies and voltages than their silicon counterparts, enabling power management systems that are smaller and more efficient. These new designs also require capacitors that can operate at these higher frequencies and provide stable performance at the voltages that GaN devices typically operate at. KEMET’s polymer capacitors combine stable capacitance, high volumetric efficiency, and low ESR so designers can get the maximum benefit of gallium nitride and other wide bandgap semiconductors.
KEMET’s T540, T541, and T543 family of polymer capacitors are designed for high reliability and space applications. They offer high frequency capacitance retention and extremely low ESR. They also require minimal voltage derating, with our polymer capacitors able to operate at up to 80% or 90% of their rated voltage while offering the same or better reliability than traditional tantalum capacitors operated at half their rated voltage. The three series include capacitors with voltage ratings up to 63 Vdc, capacitance values from 4.7 µF to 1500 µF, and support for operating temperatures up to 125°C.
Our T550 family of capacitors are a hermetically sealed variant in axial leaded and surface mount packages that offer similar performance ratings to maximize the benefits of GaN-based designs that require improved environmental resistance.
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