Earlier in the week, NS 48A, the monthly unit train from Illinois, arrived in Martins Creek PA to drop off its load of grain cars. The train was re-crewed in Bethlehem by H11 before making its final run up the Portland Secondary to Ardent Mills. After performing some switching inside the plant, the train runs to Portland to switch a single covered hopper out of UltraPoly. I give chase in Portland as the H11 begins its trip back to Martins Creek for the next set of instructions. It was a nice change of variety with BNSF Executive SD70MAC 9623 along for the ride!
NS H-11 With BNSF Executive MAC #9623!
Austin TrainsNorfolk SouthernNSH76H74H71H1148A49AGrain TrainUnit TrainBNSFExecutive SchemeExecutiveSD70MACMACEMDGEET44ACES44C4GEVOCreme and GreenGreen and WhiteRareSpecial UnitHeritage UnitPortland SecondaryBangor and PortlandArdent millsConAgraAlpha CementMartins CreekBangorJohnsonvilleMt BethelMount BethelPortlandPAPennsylvaniaUltraPolySwitchingNathanK5HLLChaseRailfanning