Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Mahua Moitra on Thursday shared a poem on her Twitter titled 'Be Careful, Mahua!' amidst the ongoing row over her remarks on goddess Kali. The note says, "The universities were the first to go...then the farmers and the activists, and now our country burns."
Earlier, Mahua Moitra had said that Kali, for her, was a meat-eating, alcohol-accepting goddess. Moitra said this while speaking at the India Today Conclave East 2022 on July 5 in response to a controversy over a movie poster showing Goddess Kaali smoking a cigarette.
“When you go to Sikkim, you will see that they offer whiskey to goddess Kali. But if you go to Uttar Pradesh, and if you tell them that you offer whiskey to the goddess as ‘prasad’, they will call it blasphemy,” said Moitra.
To Know More watch: To The Point With Preeti Chaudhary
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