One lesser-known fact about Blue Tangs is that they can develop pressure sores when kept in aquarium conditions. This phenomenon is quite common but not widely known among aquarium owners. These sores often appear on the fish's body, possibly due to the compression when they try to find hiding places in the tank. It is essential to monitor and address this issue promptly to ensure the health and comfort of Blue Tangs in captivity.
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Important Considerations for Keeping Blue Tang.
Amazing factsSeaSea animalsBlue tangsBlue tang fishBlue tang careVibrant blue colorSpacious aquariumOval bodyCaringSurgeonfishMarine fishAquarium careHerbivorous fishSaltwater aquariumCoral reef fishMarine vegetationAlgae dietFish healthAquatic petAquarium setupWater parametersAquascapingCaptive breedingAquatic lifeMarine biodiversityTropical fishMarine aquariumReduce stressDietBlue tang aquarium