IN-DEPTH True Draco Zoodiac Deck Profile + Combos and explanations for each card choice. Enjoy!
True Dracos are a new archetype from Maximum Crisis, but they have already show to be an extremely strong archetype. Their ability to summon Master Peace, The True Dracoslaying King allows them to build boards that most decks have trouble breaking while picking apart opposing resources with Master Peace's effect and the their Spell/Trap Effects. They have two problems though: consistency and the amount of card advantage necessary to run the engine efficiently.
Most tribute summon decks in YGO's history have all had consistency issues, and True Dracos are no different. The fact will always remain that you need both a tribute monster and monster to tribute in order to tribute summon, and somehow you need to summon both on the same turn. Because of this, there always exists the possibility of drawing hands without tribute monster or without tribute fodder, and these hands are what destroy consistency. In True Dracos, its very possible to draw hands of too few or too many monsters, and if you don't have Diagram, it can be hard to fix hands.
Next, True Dracos require a lot of Card Advantage in order to function. Fundamentally, you need monsters/cards to tribute for tribute summons. It's impossible to have tribute fodder if you have no cards. This can make it difficult to make strong turn 1 boards with 5 card hands normally because Master Peace needs two tributes, meaning each time you tribute him, it's a -2 in terms of card advantage. This is a huge problem that can lead to you running out of resources if they can out Master Peace.
The Answer To These Problems: Zoodiacs
- Zoodiacs can provide consistency for the True Draco engine through their ability to thin the deck and then draw multiple times during a single turn. This makes it easier to draw into a True Draco card and then also Diagram.
- Zoodiacs can also summon multiple monsters without normal summoning, which, alongside all of the extra draws, allows you to gain massive card advantage and then use some of those monsters as tribute fodder. For Example, Zoodiacs have a combo where they can +4 from a single Terrortop (1 Terrortop = Invoker + Drident + Emeral + 2 draws). You can -2 summoning a Master Peace and still be ahead in card advantage, which is huge!
- Zoodiacs also have Ramram, which has an effect that can trigger when destroyed that gives this hybrid a lot more synergy because it is a card that you can easy search and destroy with Dragonic Diagram for an easy +1
Now Zoodiacs have a problem to where their boards and fields are easily broken and aren't great at breaking opposing field.
However, Zoodiac True Draco decks can build stronger boards using Master Peace and then use the True Draco S/T to break opposing boards far easier. Like there are so many games, I use Diagram to search a True King Return, then summon MP and use Return and MP to destroy 2 opposing monsters before activating a barrage to proceed with the Zoodiac combos. It's insane!
Before I forget the True Draco Zoodiac Combo only needs 2 cards:
Dragonic Diagram + Zoodiac Ratpier
Diagram + Emeral + Drident + True Draco card + Draw 3
Combo @ 12:30
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True Draco Zoodiac Deck Profile + Combo(+5) (May 2017)
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