Having received a lot of messages about how to apply for QTS, i decided to make this step by step video to guide you.
If you're applying for QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) then this is the video for you! I will walk you through every step of the application process, from filling out the application form to what you need to do after applying. I will cover everything you need to know to apply for QTS, and make the process as easy as possible for you. You can drop any question you may have that was not captured and i will do well to answer. Thanks for watching!
Link for application.
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VIA EMAIL: susantillym@gmail.com
Kindly subscribe to my YouTube channel: [ Ссылка ]
Kindly note, I am not an immigration expert however information shared on my channel is base on personal experience, research and other people's experience as residents in the country discussed. Do well to do further findings to guide your decision. Thank You.
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