The openness to see that each of you have consistent guidance to your elevated states of awakening into more of your grace is then a fully restored nature in how you are continuing to see that you are endless in your creations. Through your full glory inside of you, then you are then able to transform your awareness into more ascended mastery, as you are reshaping your being into higher dimensions. Into the cosmic union that you carry into the fulfillment of your source connection is a strong vibration, where you are satisfied in your intentions to heal more of the new Earth. Each of you deserve to see how you are balanced from your ascension process light work, with who I am as your Commander Ashtar, of who we are of the angelic realms, of the Galactic Council, of the Galactic Federation of Light. Through your own return into your higher selves, then you are embodying your Christed selves, where there is only a sight of seeing that you are able to bring forth a divine destiny in your reality. There are no blocks in how you are able to accomplish this, where there is only a consistency of rising into inter dimensional vibes of your own conscious awakening. In order to awaken more, this is through a consistent stream of energy that you are feeling unfold, as this is not about discouraging you from creating, this is about encouraging each of you to create more.
If you feel you have difficulty creating, then it takes you into the simple ways that you create daily, whether it is some food, some levels of kindness, as this is how you are bringing out more of your divinity inside. The manifestation of your cosmic expansion then brings you into a feeling of pureness where you are able to integrate more of your special frequencies to then reconnect the grids of your DNA. Your DNA activation is going on into the fulfillment of having you to step deeper into the inner balance that you feel inside of your soul, which is a cosmic embrace of how you are open to more light. The dedication that you bring forth is in the existence of space conscious creations that are in the inceptions of how you are connected more with who we are of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians of a divine inwards healing stage. This is about a direct transformation inside of your soul to then rise into more paths of light, where the glory of your true self is realized even more, where you are feeling a harmonious energy. While you are then transferring more of your light into a field of pure magic, then you are consciously stepping into your roles as the ascended ones, here to assist more in the ascension process. As you are connected into the deeper nature of your fulfillment in how you are vibrant in more of your cosmic roots, this brings you more in seeing only success in your light paths.
The expanded nature of your soul is then to reconnect all of our 144,000 light beings, into the core of all souls on this world willing to rise their vibrations into more mastery, where there is a restoration point. Upon reaching this, then those of you that are feeling the joy of your intentions to then bring in higher states of awakening then brings you into more calm natures of light. This is a field of mastery of your inner vibrancy to see that you are deeply rooted in your soulful evolutions, into more evolved states of your will to soar into unity consciousness. The balance that you exude in more of your higher realms of expressions of being elevated into more of a divine uniting then is bringing you more into a glorious expansion into higher dimensions. Through your dimensional connection that you each carry to our galactic crew, then this is about a uniting where you are full with a natural gratitude to be able to be here, with a consistent level of purity. As you are open to the cosmic upgrades in your soul, from the Central Galactic Sun , then you are feeling the immediate comfort that pours inside of your being as a result. The smoothness of your vibration then brings you into more of a restored state of your transforming, into a divine dedication of inspiring you to see that you are the future of the new Earth. In your inner balance and conscious rising into more portals of reality, then you are open to an expanded nature of how you are entered into more of a state of bliss in the physical.
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