Prime Minister Narendra Modi was recently present in Mehsana, Gujarat for the Pran Prathishta ceremony. Prior to the ceremony, he participated in a Kisan outreach in Samarabad, Gujarat where he addressed several farmer issues. Modi assured the farmer community that their concerns would be addressed and highlighted the government's commitment to protecting farmers' rights. Following this meaningful outreach, Modi proceeded to Mehsana for the Pran Prathishta ceremony at the Walinath Dham temple. Located in the Visnagar Taluk of Mehsana, the temple has taken 14 years to construct and is counted among the most sizeable in Gujarat. Modi's presence at these key events signifies his dedication to resolving farmer issues and upholding cultural traditions. #PMModi #PranPrathishtaCeremony #Mehsana #KisanOutreach #FarmersRights #Gujarat #Samrabab #WalinathDhamTemple #VisnagarTaluk
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