Comandante, a film by Edoardo de Angelis, is a work in progress project shot using a unique set comprised of a LED wall and a water tank—a novel technique called Near Real-Time was developed in order to meet the constraints of the project. Near Real-Time allows post-production to start live during shooting, giving filmmakers more confidence in their takes and enabling them to push the limitations of virtual production further than ever before.
We sat down with some of the key production players of the project, VFX Designer Kevin Tod Haug, Director of Photography David Stump, Cooke Optics, High Res, Virtual Production Studios by 80six, to discuss the on-set workflow process from start to finish and how they brought the piece to life.
01:13 Speakers introduction
05:52 What is unique about Comandante?
10:09 What standards are the most foundational in virtual production today?
15:34 How does the standardisation process around virtual production help and looking at it as a filming technique?
24:09 What other types of things are we learning in virtual production?
29:40 How do LED screens change the mixture and how do we go and have a digital kind continuity for a LED setup?
38:22 Q&A from the audience
Near Real-Time: Virtual Production with Nuke on-set
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