Retail Owners need to improve fitting room lighting!
Fitting rooms are the place customers deicde to buy your product or walk out the door empty handed.
LED World have developed a product which takes away the unflattering shadow from the customer's face and gives them the option of Summer,Winter and Evening Settings.
Mirror Lighting for Retail Fitting Rooms
mirror lightingfitting roomsfitting roomretailchange roomsfashionchange roomlightingLEDproductretail fashionAustraliaAmericaH&MZaraPull&BearGAPCotton Oncalzedoniaralph LaurenGANTLacosteTiger of SwedenHugo BossLEVISBarbourBurberryAdidasCalvin KleinArmaniCucciPradaFlippa KMangoMichael KorsEtonZegnamassimo duttilyle&scottMQ