Amid Lok Sabha Elections in India, the debate on the ‘Akhand Bharat’ mural displayed in the New Parliament building, reignited in Pakistan. The mural depicting ‘Akhand Bharat’ highlighted security concerns among India’s neighbouring countries. Pakistani Journo, Foreign Expert, International Expert alleged that India wants to claim the territories of all neighbouring countries. Pakistani-based Advocate, International Law Expert, Ahmer Bilal Soofi, emphasised the need for countries to respond to ‘India’s posturing’. Meanwhile, Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir questioned the world’s silence over the mural depicting ‘Akhand Bharat’. He further asked, “Do Pakistan and other countries have any remaining international platforms where they can express their security concerns?”. During the debate, former Pakistani diplomat, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry stated that a diplomatic protest is necessary. Notably, soon after the mural in India’s New Parliament made headlines for reportedly depicting ‘Akhand Bharat’ i.e., ‘United India’. The controversy around the mural was clarified, stating that it depicted the Ashokan Empire of Ancient India.
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