R.O.B. is a character where his main strengths are his edge guard capabilities. He doesn't have the best out of shield options but, his main strengths are his recovery and off-stage game. If you like characters that play against the grain of a standard Melee or PM character then I would recommend checking ROB out.
Meet The Smash Brothers: Is ROB For You? - Project M
ProjectSuperSmashBrosWolfNessFoxFalcoCaptainFalconMarioLuigiPeachBowserLinkToonZeldaSheikWavedashMr.GameandwatchR.O.B.SnakeLucasDr.MarioWarioYoshiPikachuSquirtleMarthIkeRoyIvysaurCharizardMewtwoLucarioLynKnucklesIssacDonkey KongDiddy KongIce ClimbersToon LinkGanondorfJigglypuffSamusZero SuitPitKirbyMeta KnightKing DededeOlimarSonicProject MProject PlusP +BreakdownHonest ContentVideoBrawlMeleeUltimateROBGames