Metatron is going to 'judge' me... I don't know why?!!1
am not worthy?
he not a tough boss the problem he is not weaken for any of element, heck!
he guards for Holy and resist for other, that's why I recommend to his level 79
my party is
Huang Long: Almighty attack, debuff attack
Odin: his unique Physical attack, debuff defense
Sraosha: with his Dark magic attack, and healer
00:05 My Party
01:20 Metatron cut scene
01:52 boss fight
06:12 last hit
06:24 outro
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance- Boss Fight Metatron
gamesteamplayguidegame playfull gamesteam gamepc gamedemoearly accdlcWalkthrough Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance ShinMegamiTenseiVengeanceShin MegamiTensei VAtlus WestAtlusWestSegaSMT VSMT seriesJRPG gamesAtlus gamesShin Megami Tensei V 2024SMT V: VengeanceShin Megami TenseiPersonaPost apocalypticSteam gameplayPC versionenhancedbossfightachievementsabscessTokyonahobinodemonmiracleAgoamiagibufuziozanmudohamadia