9-29-24 International Sunday School Lesson – Moses and Miriam Lead the People in Praise, Exodus 15:1-3, 11-13, 17-18, 20-21 by Dr. Ernest Polk. This is a brief overview and not a complete lesson. Click to view, subscribe, and share.
Exo 14:17-18, 31 (Read)
Moses, having spent 40 years in Egyptian Princely training (government administration, and military), and 40 years in stewardship/servant training (reestablish relationship with God to know God to serve God), led Israel to, through, and on the other side of the Red Sea for God to get honor/Kabad. Kabad meaning to weigh grievous affliction to make boast, glorify, and obtain honor over Egypt’s Pharaoh (leadership), host (Army, wealth, and strength), Chariots (military mobility), horsemen (those that drive military mobility). This was done to the greatest power in the known world at the time to know I AM (tell them I AM sent you), the Lord/Jehovah meaning self-existent eternal Lord. Pharaoh means Lord of the Great/High House. Moses with confirmation of prophecy fulfilled, and faith revealed sings a song (words set to music) with Israel (Israel means people ruled by God). The song is motivated by the fear/Yare which is to have fright of the words and promises of God in negative relationship with him, reverence of the words and promises of God in positive relationship with him, and to believe/Aman, meaning having built up permanent firm assurance and trust in words and promises of God.
Even with the triumph of all, Moses makes the song personal stating I will sing, lord is my strength, my salvation, my God, etc. Verse 2 contains six personal pronouns. Though we are an assembly of believers, our relationship with God is personal as our praise and worship is personal even in a worship community. Our praise, unlike angels, is a free will praise personal praise and worship of God.
Significant in verse 2 is that we must prepare a habitation for the God of your strength and your salvation. The salvation of God in Christ Jesus declares our bodies the temples of God. His spirit in us is sacred therefore in sanctification (Sacre Holy facre to make) we have a habitation for him. Also significant is that Moses states a personal relationship and an ancestral relationship that his father’s God is his God. In Verse 3, God who is not a man in human sense is describe as a male/man of war meaning he does the engagement in battle and warfare with the enemy himself outside us, in us, and through us to be champions in warfare. The battle is not yours, but God’s. Psa_24:8 (Read)
Who is like unto Big G among the little g’s. Pharaoh’s mummies desecrated, Alexander the Great killed by poison or sudden terminal illness, Julius Caesar brutally assassinated, Hitler suicide, and all the other little g’s man has made of man or man has made of himself are dead and dust. God is great and magnificent in his sacredness. Because you can trust that God says what he means, means what he says, and delivers all his words and promises, His yare/fearfulness demands praise. He does miracles and marvelous things. By his mercy and grace we are the redeemed.
Gal 3:13-14 (Read)
We have been bought back through God’s salvation Christ Jesus like the Levites were redeemed by Moses, Naomi was redeemed by Boaz, and Shallum’s field was redeemed by Jeremiah. Psa_107:2 Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;
Versus 17 and 18 for the Christian today is explained in St. John 14:1-7 (read).
Miriam was a prophet (Navi/Nabiy). I did not say prophetess because there is no gender classification for the original word Navi or the English word prophet. A prophet is a prophet. Miriam/Greek Mary means rebellious or rebelliously. However, Miriam was Aaron’s Sister. Sister/Achoth also means beloved bride. Aaron name means light bringer and was Israel first high priest under the law. We behaved rebelliously in our covenant relationship with God. Sin is rebellion against God and God’s word. However, God sent the light, the light of the world, and the darkness of sin could not seize him. Christ is our high priest, a bridegroom for us his church. Christ describe himself as the bridegroom in Matthew 25. Miriam’s song is collective call to praise leading others to praise with instruments to amplify praise and the bodies show praise. Our savior has triumph gloriously/Gaah meaning to mount up rise to majesty. Christ was raised from the dead to the right hand of God holding the keys to hell and death.
Heb 12:1-2 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
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