Juno addresses Aeolus and commands him to stir up a storm to overwhelm the Trojans on the Tyrrhenian Sea, just west of Italy. Aeolus owes a lot to Juno, and thus will do her bidding.
N.B., the comments in this video are my own, but heavily researched and based on ideas by people much smarter than me.
Aeneid Book 1.64-80: Juno and Aeolus
Latin Language (Human Language)instructionalvideoclassicslessoneducationalvideo reviewschoollessonslearnstudentteacherLatin LanguageLatin grammarlatintutorialLatin tutorialCambridge Latin CourseEcce RomaniWheelock'sOxford Latin CourseAeneid (Book)aeneid 1-80Literature (Media Genre)Juno (Deity)Aeolus (Deity)stormVirgil (Author)