"The Kangana Ranaut vs ShivSena controversy escalated today as the BMC controlled by the party demolished a part of her pali hill office. Two days ago Kangana had tweeted that some BMC officials are visiting her office and that they might demolish the Manikarnika Films office in Bandra's Pali hills which she had bought with her savings from 15 years. The civic team had served her notice over alleged illegal structures at her office. It had also rejected the actor’s plea seeking extra time to furnish documents to prove the legality of the constructions undertaken on the premises. A fresh notice pasted outside the actor’s office today said that the civic body was not satisfied with the actor’s response and that the demolition will be carried out at her risk, cost, and consequences.
The team arrived in the morning with bulldozer and excavators and demolished alterations made to the structures. The visuals from the site showed a team of official standing by as the JCB was razing down the structure. Some other pictures from inside the building showed walls and floorings broken and the rubble on the floor. #KanganaRanaut #ShivSena #BMC"
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