Mame na zatožni klopi / zagovor obrambe
Mothers in the dock – advocacy speech
Danica Vidmar, avtorica knjige Deklice brez gnezda / author of the book Girls without a nest (E translation to be published in 2023)
Vsi imamo mame, a le redki imajo z mamo izpolnjujočo vez. Smo do mam le bolj kritični, posebno hčere? V tem kratkem govoru boste našli pojasnilo, zakaj mir v odnosu z mamo obogati vaše življenje in življenje vaših otrok, četudi dnevnih stikov z mamo nimate (več, iz različnih razlogov).
We all have mothers, but only a few have a fulfilling bond with them. Are we just more critical of the mothers, especially the daughters? In this short talk, you will find an explanation of why peace in your relationship with your mother enriches your life and your children's life, even if daily contact with your mother does not exist (for whatever reason).
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