The Big Tier 10 Baugette Tanks are pretty overpowered in the Burning Mode Special Gameode, lol
the Batchat 25t, the Amx 50B and the Foch 155 all have Autoloaders and are very fun to pew pew pew
The Tanks are especially fun to YOLO in and ram the enemies, and also ammorack them - how lucky!
baguette bias
baguette with 1.6 second intraclip and 80km/h top speed is very balanced.
Music used:
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AIN'T NOTHIN' LIKE A FLAT BEAT - SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day:
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Hilltop Chase (Alpha Mix) - Kirby Super Star:
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Boss (Unused Version) - Plok:
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Shop (Beta Mix) - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time:
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Main Theme - Waluigi's Tacostand:
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