Hi, Friends..
I had some questions on how i program my Attiny Microcontrollers which i used in some of my projects..
So here is how i built my "Arduino as ISP" Programmer.
Here is the pinout for the Arduino Nano:
Pin 7 ---- control LED "programming" (+220 ohm resistor)
Pin 8 ---- control LED "error" (+220 ohm resistor)
Pin 9 ---- control LED "heartbeat" (+220 ohm resistor)
Pin 10 ---- RESET of target µ controller
Pin 11 ---- MOSI of target µ controller
Pin 12 ---- MISO of target µ controller
Pin 13 ---- SCK of target µ controller
+5 Volt ---- VCC of target
GND ---- GND of target
Go to files --- examples --- Arduino as ISP
and upload this sketch to your Nano or Uno befor you connect the 10µF capacitor between Reset and GND.
Then go to files ---- preferences --- and copy this URL into --- additional board manager:
[ Ссылка ]
Then go to tools --- board --- boardmanager --- search for " attiny core" and click install.
If you want to upload a sketch to an attiny with the Arduino as ISP programmer..
Choose your board --- select programmer "Arduino as ISP" --- and dont forget to press shift and upload. ( upload with programmer)
If you have a brand new attiny, burn the bootloader first...
Otherwise it will not work..
And here is the link for the attiny reference sheet:
If you want to support me and my work out here in the shop, you can do so under patreon.com:
[ Ссылка ]
#ArduinoasISP #AttinyProgrammer #ISPProgrammer
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